What is the groovement?
How do I sign up for the groovement?
How do I support the groovement?
What's on the shows page?
How do I buy tickets?
How do I sell tickets?
How do I add shows to my calendar?
I’m an artist/band – how do I get on the groovecal?
What is the groovemap?
How do I use the groovemap?
What is groovetracks?
What is groovemail?
I'm signed up but not receiving groovemail. How do I fix this?
What is the grooveguide?
How do I get featured on the Instagram?
How was the groovement started?
How do I join the groovement team?
How do I partner with the groovement?
How do I contact the groovement
How do I find the groovement on social media?
Where is the groovement located?
How do I get the groovement to come to my city?
How much does it cost to join the groovement?
How do I meet other groovers?
What are the groovement's terms and conditions?
What is the groovecode?
I have ideas/feedback for the groovement, how do I share them?